On Thu, 2015-03-12 at 14:09 -0400, Stuart Gathman wrote:
> On 03/12/2015 12:40 PM, Dan Williams wrote:
> > This has some stacktraces.  The problem persists on several different
> > laptops, with different Wifi chipsets.
> >
> > https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1119524
> > Ok, we'll need debug logs then, since the stack traces show that the
> > supplicant isn't really hung, it's just that the key change apparently
> > didn't happen correctly... you can do this by:
> >
> > mv /usr/sbin/wpa_supplicant /
> > killall -TERM wpa_supplicant
> > /wpa_supplicant -dddtu (pipe to your favorite logfile)
> >
> > and then go until it "hangs".  Then send me the logfile since it might
> > contain private information.  Move the supplicant back to /usr/sbin/
> > when you're done to get back to normal.
> Already did that in f19 (see log in above bugzilla) - it doesn't log 
> anything while hung (maybe I didn't have as many 'd's).  But maybe F21 
> will be different.  It takes a little over 3 days to hang with hardware 
> crypto.  So hang on ... :-)

Yeah, but that log isn't a debug log, it's just the normal messages.
"-dddtu" will add a ton of debug info from which we might be able to
find out why rekeying isn't happening.


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