On Tue, 2015-06-02 at 21:04 +0200, Pieter Cardoen wrote:
> Dear
> I want to use the option scan_ssid=0 for the wpa_supplicant configuration. 
> However when I add this line to the Wifi configuration keyfile of 
> NetworkManager, it is ignored by the NM daemon. How could I configure the 
> scan_ssid option using NetworkManager?

NM doesn't offer scan_ssid as a configuration option on a per-connection
basis.  scan_ssid=0 doesn't offer any security benefits because by the
time NM sends scan_ssid=1, NM has either (a) already found the network
in the scan list and is already connecting to it, and thus any listener
will soon hear your association/authentication anyway, or (b) the
network is hiding its SSID, and sending scan_ssid=1 enables quicker
connection to the network, and any listener will soon hear your
association too.

NM will *never* probe-request specific SSIDs during general scans unless
you have set the wifi.hidden=true property in the connection details.
NM only probe-requests (eg, scan_ssid=1) a network immediately before
connecting to it, or when wifi.hidden=true.


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