I've tested it with WiFi but I also need to know the behaviour of the wwan 
case. WiFi scanning interval was set to 10 seconds. I'll try it again tomorrow 
and verify the scan interval in advance. 

The WPA_supplicant application has the possibility to set the autoscan argument 
to periodic or to exponential. Could it possibly be that the exponential 
setting is enabled which causes to the reconnect period to rise to a large time?

In case of the wwan connection, you spoke about 'a couple minutes'. Is it 
possible to adapt this time or to know wat happens more exactly?


> Subject: Re: NetworkManager autoconnect
> From: d...@redhat.com
> To: pieter.card...@hotmail.com
> CC: networkmanager-list@gnome.org
> Date: Wed, 3 Jun 2015 10:19:03 -0500
> On Wed, 2015-06-03 at 16:11 +0200, Pieter Cardoen wrote:
> > Dear
> > While network testing, I've noticed that NetworkManager automatically 
> > connects to a network if its available. However when it isn't available, 
> > I've noticed that NetworkManager stops trying to connect. What's the reason 
> > of this and how could I make NetworkManager unconditionally try to connect 
> > to the network until the end of time?
> NM will attempt to reconnect when specific events occur, like new scan
> results or a carrier change.  So the answer to your question depends on
> what kind of interface you're talking about.
> For WiFi, it may be that the scan interval is too long to find your new
> network quickly, which you can mitigate by asking NM to scan more
> frequently.
> Ethernet depends on the kernel's carrier indications unless you have set
> 'ignore-carrier' for that interface in the NM configuration file.
> However, WWAN autoconnect happens continuously because WWAN doesn't have
> quick/easy event notifications (scans take minutes and interrupt
> connectivity, plus some modems only start registration when you ask them
> to connect).  This means that whenever there is a WWAN autoconnect
> connection, NM will attempt the connection if the modem is not in
> Airplane mode.  If the attempt fails, NM will retry after a couple
> seconds, and after 5 failed attempts will pause for a couple minutes,
> then retry 5 attempts again.
> Dan
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