
I am running Network manager version on Ubuntu, and I see that my
syslog is flooded with the messages shown below:

2015-05-31T13:54:02.922826-07:00 ctrl-112 NetworkManager[893]: WARNING
<warn> error monitoring device for netlink events: No buffer space available
2015-05-31T13:56:02.986451-07:00 ctrl-112 NetworkManager[893]: WARNING
<warn> error monitoring device for netlink events: No buffer space available
2015-05-31T13:58:02.922670-07:00 ctrl-112 NetworkManager[893]: WARNING
<warn> error monitoring device for netlink events: error processing netlink
message: Out of memory
2015-05-31T14:00:02.986715-07:00 ctrl-112 NetworkManager[893]: WARNING
<warn> error monitoring device for netlink events: No buffer space available

admin@ctrl-112:~$ free -m
             total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached
Mem:         56369       7021      49348          0        252       1005
-/+ buffers/cache:       5763      50606
Swap:         1901          0       1901

What can be the possible cause of these messages? What is the best approach
to debug this? Any suggestions will be appreciated.

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