
So I found the settings.connection interface and can delete a existing
ethernet <=> bridge connection.

So adding a connection is probably what I want.

Is it sufficient to create a dict with e.g. "id"=>"eth0" and "master"=>"br0" to
create a connection of the ethernet device eth0 to the bridge br0?

Or what settings do I need to serve?


Am Donnerstag, den 07.12.2017, 13:44 +0000 schrieb
> Hi all!
> I'm trying to add an ethernet device to a bridge via DBus API. 
> gdbus-codegen generated me three functions for a bridge device:
> network_manager_device_bridge_get_slaves
> network_manager_device_bridge_dup_slaves
> network_manager_device_bridge_set_slaves
> get_slaves and dup_slaves working well. But set_slaves don't, as the slave-
> property is readonly.
> My question is, how can I add an interface to a bridge via DBus API. I could
> find an hint anywhere or I didn't understand it to an hint :).
> Could someone point me please in the right direction?
> Thanks!
> Cheers,
> Thilo
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