On Mon, 2018-12-10 at 12:15 +0200, Berend De Schouwer via
networkmanager-list wrote:
> Hi,
> I've got a system running 1.12.4 that I've got trouble setting up as
> an
> access point.
> I can set it up using hostapd, and NetworkManager without WPA, but
> cannot configure using NetworkManager with WPA.
> I've tried with a few different options, using the GUI and nmcli, and
> I
> keep seeing:
> Using interface wlan0 with hwaddr r:a:n:d:o:m and ssid "TestNet"
> Interface initialization failed
> wlan0: interface state UNINITIALIZED->DISABLED
> wlan0: Unable to setup interface
> Failed to initialize AP interface
> wlan0: interface state DISABLED->DISABLED
> wlan0: AP-DISABLED
> hostapd_free_hapd_data: Interface wlan0 wasn't started
> I've noticed that hostapd needs to bring wlan0 down first, can't
> change
> modes to AP while wlan0 is up.
> I've also noticed "Note: nl80211 driver interface is not designed to
> be
> used with ap_scan=2; this can result in connection failures" which
> seems to be a normal message for AP configuration.
> Hardware:
> Bus 001 Device 020: ID 148f:3070 Ralink Technology, Corp.
> RT2870/RT3070
> Wireless Adapter
> What do I look at next?


I don't think hostapd matters much, because NetworkManager uses
wpa_supplicant's AP functionality (of course, wpa_supplicant and
hostapd are the same project, so they share code).

Is the quoted log from from wpa_supplicant?

I'd suggest, to enable level=TRACE logging for NetworkManager (see [1])
and debug logging to wpa_supplicant, and look at the logs.
If possible, provide them here.


Sometimes, changing the MAC address trips up supplicant or the driver.
You could disable that, see:

what's the output of `nmcli -f all device show "$WLAN_DEVICE"` ?


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