Hi Dan -
I realized I could work around the immediate problem of setting tc qdisc's with 
options on a connection by adding a script to 
/etc/NetworkManager/dispatcher.d/; so answering the message below is not 
urgent, though I'd use it instead of the workaround.
However, on Fedora it's a PITA due to SELinux to add such a script to do 
something that apparently was designed partially into NetworkManager (setting 
tc.qdisc). So it seems it might be a good idea to extend the connection 
settings for tc.qdisc to include a syntax for qdisc options, if there isn't a 
way to do this.
Also, I sent the below message to the networkmanager-list and heard nothing 
since. Should I specifically send things to you, Dan? I thought maybe someone 
else on the list might have a hint.
-----Original Message-----
From: "David P. Reed" <dpr...@deepplum.com>
Sent: Monday, December 31, 2018 3:13pm
To: networkmanager-list@gnome.org
Subject: Can't seem to set tc.qdisc options

After much searching and experimentation, I cannot figure out how to set qdisc 
options in nmcli.
Here's the command I want to run when a particular connection is brought up:
   tc qdisc add dev enp3s0 root cake bandwidth 23mbit
where enp3s0 is the underlying link.
Network manager is setting the qdisc to fq_codel with default options on this 
link, and setting other connections' qdiscs to prioritized.
nmcli objects when I put any options in nmcli edit and I say:
   set tc.qdisc cake root bandwidth 23mbit
So maybe there is a way to do this? Or is it an enhancement that needs to be 
added to network manager?
(or is there some script to edit?)
Any help would be very welcome.
PS: sch_cake is an out-of-tree qdisc by Jonathan Morton. But other qdiscs have 
tc qdisc add dev enp3s0 root cake bandwidth 23mbit
tc qdisc add dev enp3s0 root cake bandwidth 23mbit
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