
Am Mi., 13. März 2019 um 14:48 Uhr schrieb Gris Ge via
networkmanager-list <networkmanager-list@gnome.org>:

>     * nmstate.netapplier.add()              # Add new stuff
>     * nmstate.netapplier.edit()             # Override existing stuff
>     * nmstate.netapplier.remove()           # Remove stuff
> Any comments and suggestions?

IMHO it would be sufficient to just have a flag like `partial_state`
so that users can either set a full state or a partial state. However,
we also want to allow partial states for single entities (interfaces).
I am not sure how the intput for add/remove would look like for
example when wanting to add/remove an IP address for an interface.

@Gris (forgot to add the list, therefore I resent this).

Kind regards

Till Maas
Ansible RHEL Networking System Role Maintainer
Red Hat GmbH
networkmanager-list mailing list

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