"Paul J. Reder" wrote:
> Greg Ames wrote:
> >          It would be great if somebody could beat it up on a live
> > non-FreeBSD system, and tell us what happens.
> I'll run it through my battery of abuse tests tonight. If it survives the carnage
> then we'll be in good shape.

After running the threaded mpm through a variety of abuse tests it seems
to be running fine except in two cases.

Startup, SIGWINCH, and normal request processing under a variety of loads
run as expected.

Problem 1:
SIGHUP and SIGTERM take a few seconds to clear out the workers, then takes an
additional 20 to 30 seconds to clear out the server processes. After the 20-30
second delay it does what it is supposed to (restart or shutdown). I am looking
into the reason for the delay. During the 20-30 second delay after the SIGHUP the
server does not serve any pages until it restarts. Once it restarts, it performs

Problem 2:
The problem related to perform_idle_server_maintenance still exists. This is as
expected since we haven't done anything to fix it yet.

I did experience one anomaly which I cannot reproduce. At one point while
testing SIGHUP and SIGWINCH under mild load I ended up with 1300+ workers
(noticeably higher than the configured 10*32 max). Apache was still spawning
more when I checked and killed it. All of the server processes were owned by
pid=1, all of the workers were owned by their respective server process. The
main Apache process was still intact. There was nothing interesting in the log.
Try as I might I could not get it to happen again, so I must assume it has
something to do with the Indian Burial ground that my house was built on
(**insert suitably spooky music here**).

All in all (except for the delay) threaded mpm works well. Feel free to bang on it.
It should perform well with a suitably high (but not 0) MaxRequestsPerChild setting
(perhaps 50000).

Good luck all.

Paul J. Reder
"The strength of the Constitution lies entirely in the determination of each
citizen to defend it.  Only if every single citizen feels duty bound to do
his share in this defense are the constitutional rights secure."
-- Albert Einstein

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