> Of course, last-minute "bug fixes" have also resulted in problems
> that have required re-releases in short order. So yeah, maybe "freeze"
> isn't a good term, but generally what we mean is "we plan on
> tagging and rolling soon and want to reduce the risk of
> problems on the present code tree so we would really like
> it if no new features are added and bug fixes be as risk-free
> as possible". :)

Remember when I started the STATUS file for 1.2bINF?  I would start a
countdown on the mailing list and then just barrel my way through all
of the status items and either apply the patches or move them to a
"cannot be applied until..." category.  The RM job was more about
cleaning house in preparation for a release than anything else.  People
weren't prevented from fixing problems -- they just had to put them
in STATUS first and listen if someone else said the item should be
postponed until after some other item was done.


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