On Tue, Jun 06, 2000 at 09:23:20PM +0200, Giuseppe Boi wrote:
> Matteo Merlin wrote:
> > Ciao gente,                    scusate la mia inesperienza e le
> > domande assillanti ma Linux mi trova soltanto 64 Mb di RAM nonostante
> > io ne abbia installati 128... Come faccio a farglieli trovare tutti ?
> > Grazie!
> Al prompt di lilo digita:
> linux mem=128
> Almeno credo........!!

Quasi ci sei ma non del tutto :-)

Così dici al kernel (se ben  ricordo) di partire con 128 bytes, non
molti in realtà :-))) 
Vediamo un po' cosa dice il BootPrompt-HOWTO:

3.3.1.  The `mem=' Argument
  This argument has two purposes: The original purpose was to specify
  the amount of installed memory (or a value less than that if you
  wanted to limit the amount of memory available to linux). The second
  (and hardly used) purpose is to specify mem=nopentium which tells the
  Linux kernel to not use the 4MB page table performance feature.
  The original BIOS call defined in the PC specification  that returns
  the amount of installed memory was only designed to be able to report
  up to 64MB. (Yes, another lack of foresight, just like the 1024
  cylinder disks... sigh.) Linux uses this BIOS call at boot to
  determine how much memory is installed.  If you have more than 64MB of
  RAM installed, you can use this boot argument to tell Linux how much
  memory you have.  Here is a quote from Linus on the usage of the mem=
  ``The kernel will accept any `mem=xx' parameter you give it, and if it
  turns out that you lied to it, it will crash horribly sooner or later.
  The parameter indicates the highest addressable RAM address, so
  `mem=0x1000000' means you have 16MB of memory, for example.  For a
  96MB machine this would be `mem=0x6000000'.  If you tell Linux that it
  has more memory than it actually does have, bad things will happen:
  maybe not at once, but surely eventually.''
  Note that the argument does not have to be in hex, and the suffixes
  `k' and `M' (case insensitive) can be used to specify kilobytes and
  Megabytes, respectively. (A `k' will cause a 10 bit shift on your
  value, and a `M' will cause a 20 bit shift.)  A typical example for a
  128MB machine would be "mem=128m".               

Ok, quindi si può usare mem=128m, direi. Però è una discreta rottura
digitarlo tutte le volte. Vediamo se si può fare di meglio; vediamo
ancora lo stesso HOWTO:

  LILO comes with excellent documentation, and for the purposes of boot
  args discussed here, the LILO append= command is of significant
  importance when one wants to add a boot time argument as a permanent
  addition to the LILO config file.  You simply add something like
  append = "foo=bar" to the /etc/lilo.conf file. It can either be added
  at the top of the config file, making it apply to all sections, or to
  a single system section by adding it inside an image= section.  Please
  see the LILO documentation for a more complete description.            

Quindi mettiamo un

append = "mem=128m" nel lilo.conf, lanciamo lilo, poi un bel reboot e
vediamo cosa succede...

Fabio Coatti       http://www.ferrara.linux.it/members/cova     
Ferrara Linux Users Group           http://ferrara.linux.it
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