Ciao a tutti sono un nuovo utente di Linux
utilizzo la distribuzione MANDRAKE 8.1 e sono alle prese con la configurazione del mio "modem" USB ISDN TA (suppongo della Trust technology)
Sto passando le notti davanti gli HOWTO ma ho trovato poco riguardo agli USB ISDN TA
Ho gia' controllato il sito senza successo
Sul sito della SuSE ho trovato questa procedura:
You want to use a USB ISDN terminal adapter with SuSE Linux.
The following BIOS options have to be set:
USB enabled
USB IRQ enabled
PnP OS installed disabled
The variable "START_USB" in the file /etc/rc.config must be set to "yes". Easiest way to change this value is to use YaST1:
   -> System administration
   -> Change configuration file
After a system restart the following modules should have been loaded:
usb-uhci or usb-ohci
You can check this with the command lsmod as superuser root.
Now configure your ISDN modem with YaST1. Therefore open the following dialogue:
   -> System administration
   -> Network configuration
   -> Configure PPP network
Now you are in the Wvdial configuration menu. Please select "Autodetect modem". Now your modem should be detected. A standard analog modem would have been configured correctly at this stage and only the provider has to be specified yet under "Configure the current profile" or you choose one of the preconfigured call-by-call provider.
But ISDN modems (also called terminal adapters) don't act like analog modems and they need a special initialization string. This has to be set with
   -> Configure the current profile
   -> Expert menu
Select "(Standard-Analog-Modem/non-ISDN) Modem Type" for your terminal adapter. If you don't find an entry for your device, you must search at your terminal adapter manual for an AT command, that switches on the point-to-point-transfer mode. Mostly it can be found with the keyword "syncPPP". Type in this init string as "Init String 2 (sent to modem after first)".
ma non trovo il file rc.config
e i moduli usbcore e usb-uhci sono abilitati anche se appare la dicitura (unused)
scusate la lunghezza del  messaggio
spero che potrete indirizzarmi per la retta via

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