On Mon, 25 Nov 2002 11:59:38 +0100
"Luigi" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> salve,
> ho installato e configurato il wine, e piu' precisamente la versione di codewears, 
> mandrake 8.2
> provando ad installare un programma win, mi appare in console il seguente 
> messaggio:
> Warning:
>    The Wine launcher is unable to find xmessage.
>    This launcher script relies heavily on finding this tool,
>    and without it, it will behave poorly.
>    Most Linux distributions have one or the other of these
>    tools.
>    We strongly recommend that you use your distribution's
>    software methods to locate xmessage.
> Invoking /opt/wine/bin/wine.bin /mnt/win_d/PrgWin/abc/xyz.exe
> ... /usr/bin/wine: -timeout: command not found
> Wine exited with a successful status
> come posso risolvere il problema?

Leggere la documentazione sul sito da cui hai scaricato il
pacchetto, è tanto difficile?  :-)


ciao, Andrea

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