I sent this earlier, but it doesn't look like it made it.  Sorry if it
is a repeat.

The modutils-2.1.121-3 package included for use with the 2.2.1 kernel
is broken.  (in the /apps/kernel2.2 directory on the Mandrake 5.3
CD-ROM image; an optional install for those compiling and running the
2.2.1 kernel).  This doesn't concern anyone who is running the default
2.0.36 kernel.

I fixed the problems w/ depmod, modprobe, etc. (getting the "undefined
symbol: __bzero" messages when using mod utilities) by downgrading
(going back to modutils-2.1.85 works, or get modutils-2.1.121-2,
modutils-insmod_static-2.1.121-2, and modutils-man-gz.2.1.121-2 from
one of the RedHat Contrib mirrors.

ie, they are in (among others):

See http://www.redhat.com/mirrors.html for other Contrib mirrors.

Download these files, put them in a directory, and "upgrade" to them

rpm -Uvh --force modutils-*2.1.121-2*.rpm

Later, if a fixed 2.1.121-3 or later comes out, upgrade to it with the
force option, and remove modutils-insmod_static-2.1.121-2 package by
hand (since it probably won't be removed by an upgrade). Force the
upgrade again afterwards, just to make sure.

This fixed the problem for me; I don't know what the problem w/
modutils-2.1.121-3 is.

Chad Netzer

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