On Mon, 22 Mar 1999, you wrote:
> Hey everyone, i was wondering if there were any Download Resume
> utillities for Unix/Linux! I know for Windows theres getright ad
> go!zilla, among many others, so theres gotta be one for unix right?
> Please, if anyone know where to get one, lemme know. Thanks!

Take a look at Kget, on www.kde.org in the application section..
As far as I know this the KDE version of Getright for iWsdkfu0837t      { ..
sh.. same keyboard error again......}


Linux Mandrake release 5.3 (Festen) & kernel 2.2.3 
Online as bob on my i686 which was to ^#!&^% Expensive ;-) ,
6:20pm up 1 min, 0 users, load average: 0.50, 0.18, 0.06
And doing NOTHING as You can see!

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