Kuraiken wrote:
> Hello again all,
> I finally got my external modem (yaay!) and so it was with great
> excitement that I setup the thing and all. (made sure it worked in NT
> first, just to be sure). I got it up, tested the modem in kppp..it
> worked! Great so far...I dialed my ISP...(it took a _very_ long time to
> log in - not a good sign) and then...I was connected!

What speed modem?  You might gain some throughput by running setserial
at boottime:

        /sbin/setserial /dev/modem spd_vhi
> I could ping the remote connection server just fine. Unfortunately,
> that's all I could do. What the heck?! I tried several times - even went
> back to NT - I'm in NT now :(

Ping by number or name?

Any messages in /var/log/messages?

> Just to see if my ISP was being flaky. Nope. It's working just fine. So
> what on earth could be wrong here?

Could be a number of things, but without more detail it's hard to tell.
> There must be something I missed somewhere but I can't figure out what
> it is. I configured another Mandrake box and dialed and it worked, no
> problems. What's the diff? Well...the other box I was lazy and just
> installed as a default "workstation" in the install menu. This one, I
> did custom but what could I have missed? Installed by mistake / not
> installed?

Not configured more than likely... :)
Steve Philp

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