On Fre, 26 Mär 1999, you wrote: / Am Fre, 26 Mär 1999 schrieben Sie:
> Hi
> I'm somewhat confused about how to write or name the partitions that I will
> set up during install. Here is the way that I think they should be written.
> Let me know if I'm wrong. I also have a 3.2G IDE drive to install Linux to I
> have listed the MB value that I think I should set these to.
> swap partition name "swap"           set at 127MB
> root partition name "/"                       set at 300MB
> /usr partition name "/usr"                  set at 900MB
> /home partition name "/home             set at 100MB
> Also I have partition magic can I set these partitions up in PM before
> starting the installation process?
You don't have to. It's just as easy to do it during the install. But if
you want, you can.
Anyway I would propose a slightly different table:
swap 127MB 
root   100MB (my / is only 80MB and there are still more than 30MB free)
opt    100MB (KDE installs by default in there)
usr    900MB
home 200MB (since this is where your personal files are)

 > Thanks:

You are welcome


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