On Thu, Dec 24, 1998 at 10:45:28PM -0500, ndk {Ralph} wrote:
> Hey all ,
> Installed mandrake5.2 but it doesnt see my second processer does
anyone know why and can help?

I don't know it exactly, but I suspect that the kernel that is
installed by default is not compiled SMP. 
You should check the Makefile in /usr/src/linux/, the first few lines.
Anyway, the SMP support is better in newer kernels, actually
2.1.132. I suggest you to use this kind of kernels. If you can wait a
couple of weeks the version 2.2 should be out. If you want to install
the developement version (2.1.132), you have only to check if all the
programs in 5.2 are OK. I'm running linux 2.1.125 under Mandrake 5.2, 
but I suspect that kernel 2.1.132 requires some new package.
Anyway, I've seen under rawhide site (rawhide.redhat.com) the upcoming 
new release of redhat. Actually there is kernel 2.1.131, glibc2
2.0.107 and other new packages. 
So, you can try right now to install 2.1.132, wait a few weeks and
install the stable release 2.2.0 or wait for some more time and grab
the whole distribution.

Fabio Coatti                    http://felix.unife.it/~cova     
Ferrara Linux Users Group       http://flug.unife.it
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