On Sun, Feb 21, 1999 at 01:43:42PM -0600, Stephen Anderson wrote:
> To make a long story short I ended up running a "depmod -a" and a
> "modprobe vfat"  I could then mount my Win95 partition.  An lo and behold
> a new "modprobe -l" shows a whole lot of modules loaded.  And, to top it
> off, X runs now.
> Finally, my question is this.  Do I have to modify some startup parameters
> to activate modprobe so I don't have to do this by hand?  What's the deal?
> Thanks!

Kernels 2.2.x uses kmod to load modules, kerneld is no longer used. So you
can remove kerneld from init scripts. 
depmod -a is required only once when new modules are recompiled, but is a
good thing to put it in a script executed (early) at startup.

modprobe relies on dependecies fixed by depmod.

Fabio Coatti                    http://felix.unife.it/~cova
Ferrara Linux Users Group       http://flug.unife.it
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