Den fre, 26 feb 1999 skrev du:
> At 01:33 25/02/99 EST, you wrote:
> >i can connect fine on my modem with KPPP but when i try to go to a site with
> >any of them or ping anything all that happens is i get a host not found or
> >100% packet loss message can anyone help me with this problem?
> >
> I had a similar problem in that the default gateway address was set to my
> network card. Remove that and allow kppp to set the default gateway.
> hih
> nick@nexnix
> >Best regards,
> >
> >
> >the Linux dolt (Tom)
> we all started somewhere :)
> >
> >True, I to had that prob, but then it was the DNS who was set to my other
computer in my LAN, I'd just removed the DNS and then it worked fine

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