Well, I did not just copy anything. Let me summarize the problem below.

1. regarding configuration

I started 'make xconfig' as usually, but the configuration options in
Sound section were all disabled except "Sound card support" and few
basic sound drivers (SB and the like).

It is not very common that configuration options are inaccessible, is
it? For instance, after having selected Sound card support = yes and
Soundblaster support = yes, I still could not configure SB base address,
IRQ, DMA, etc. (the respective options are disabled).

I guess the configuration options should probably be used if they appear
in the menu. Might be that kernel 2.0.36 has another arrangement of
sound modules (that is in fact announced); in such case I would expect
the other, new way to work. But it doesn't. Neither the old one does
(see compilation).

2. regarding copying

When I copied (=retyped) two or three configuration options of
Soundblaster to the new .config, the respective options were displayed
correctly by the xconfig script. They seem to be correct then.

3. regarding compilation

The kernel won't compile in either case (original .config as well as
modified .config). What really annoys me is that sound no longer works
on my PC although it was fine before. 

It is even more annoying because Mandrake was announced on the main web
site as "innovative".

>From my point of view, so far the only "innovative features" of Mandrake
compared to RedHat are: 1) changed distribution name in the installation
scripts, 2) broken kernel-sources-2.0.36 and 3) broken "cs" locale
support in X (worked before upgrade, now it works again after manual

>-----Original Message-----
>From:  Mauro Tortonesi [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
>Sent:  Friday, March 05, 1999 13:21
>Subject:       RE: [newbie] Broken kernel-source-2.0.36 in Mandrake 5.2
>On Fri, 5 Mar 1999, Vavruska Jindrich wrote:
>> When it starts compiling sound files (.../sound). Sound configuration
>> also does not work, obviously it has the same reason.
>> I copied sound configuration defs from 2.0.35 to .config (to complete
>> the configuration manually) an then started make dep && make clean &&
>> make zImage && make modules. It ended with an error while compiling the
>> sound things.
>       You cannot just copy your old 2.0.35 .config file into 2.0.36 and
>recompile. Too many things are changed, especially in sond
>(in 2.0.36 there are OSS/Free sound modules and misc stuff).
>Aequam memento rebus in arduis servare mentem...
>Mauro Tortonesi                    [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>                           http://ing49.unife.it/~keyser
>Ferrara Linux User Group    http://flug.unife.it

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