Marivi wrote:
>  I would like to do so but until now, no one can come up with a fix on my keyboard 
>bug.  I've even tried installing Redhat 5.2 and upgrade to Mandrake 5.3 to no avail.  
>I've even fdisked my master boot record, I've tried upgrading from Caldera Openlinux 
>and yet, I still get "r66t instead of "root" so, I cannot even log in.  I really 
>thought I was going to take off on my Linux when I read about Mandrake.  Something is 
>broke in Linux 5.3.  I've tried installing my different types of Redhat 5.s (sam's 
>unleashed, official and Cheap bytes) and I don't have that problem.  I can log in 
>successfully with Red hat but not mandrake.

Your problem comes certainly from our initscripts which set numlock on
at boot time (RedHat does not). This is a problem with a few type of
laptops under Linux. Please try to set your numlock off and log as



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