I'm currently running RH 5.2 w/KDE 1.1 (which I downloaded).  I'm
thinking of getting the Mandrake dist. since during my (mis)adventures
with Linux I sometimes end up hozing the system and have had to do a
complete re-install.  Since Mandrake seems to integrate a lot of the
things I want, re-installation (every now and then) doesn't sound to be
as painful.  I do have a couple of questions:

First, will I be able to set up Mandrake exactly the same way as under
my "original" Red Hat Linux?  i.e., can I use linuxconf, usernet, etc.
to configure/manage users, passwords, network settings, and the like? Or
would Mandrake and KDE force me to re-learn all over again?  I've heard
people have problems with kppp.  I've gotten somewhat familiar with
where things are and how they work under my current install.

Second, what are the similarities and differences in the installation
process between Mandrake & the original RH Linux 5.2?  Does KDE install
and "start" automatically, or do I still have to configure things after
installation?  In other words, I found the install process in RH 5.2
very user-friendly--is it the same in Mandrake?

Third, are there any places in Toronto, Canada that sell Mandrake CD's?



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