At 09:28 19/03/99 -0500, you wrote:
>Hello guys,
>    Thanks for the info on turning off my HTML thing. I really didn't
>realize this problem. (Sorry) Just wanted to let you all know I really
>appreciate the suggestions and help. Well, I figured it out. Turns out (I'm
>embarrassed to say this) that I hadn't made my Boot Partition active. It was
>a simple task of running fdisk again and toggling the active partition flag
>to partition 1. Once again, Thanks for all the help.
>                                                        Adam Wright

        I've noticed this behavior on RedHat installations for a while now. 
There doesn't appear to be an option when installing to select which will
be the active partition however sometimes the new installation will
boot right away, othertimes you need to boot of the floppy and rerun
fdisk as Adam has done. Is this something to do with drive sizes?. It
doesn't appear to be relevant whether the disk is IDE or SCSI.

        While I'm on the subject, when making a bootable floppy wouldn't
it be better to use the kernel one has just installed with (one that is on
the floppy
and is known to work for one's hardware) rather than take one off the CD.
This way
it would be possible to create installation floppies for new disk controllers
and then create a working emergency boot.  This is how Slackware used to do

Then again I could be completely wrong.


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