On  8 Apr 99 at 0:10, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Okay, from reading some of the other messages on the thread, it
> looks like you've done a fair amount of debugging on the problem, so
> let's see if we can nail it down.

that's putting it mildly ;-)
> Your dmesg output reports that you have active serial ports on COM1
> and COM2.  Your mouse is on COM1, since you mention that it's
> reported as irq 4. So, the kernel sees the mouse.  One thing to
> check would be /proc/interrupts to ensure that nothing else is
> grabbing that interrupt.  If anything other than 'serial' is listed
> there, you've got a conflict that you'll need to sort out.

here's the output of /proc/interrupts:

0:   1309076     timer
1:         3371    keyboard
2:              0    cascade
4:            14 + serial
7:             0     plip1
8:             1 +  rtc
13:           1     math error
14:    36388 +  ide0
15           12 + ide1

> Is gpm running when you attempt to start X?  You might try killing
> the gpm daemon and then attempting X.  I know it _used_ to conflict,
> but I don't know whether that's true anymore.  To kill it, just use
> '/etc/rc.d/init.d/gpm stop'.  Then try 'startx' to bring up X.  Any
> better luck?

yes it was running. hmm, another set of lovely error msgs:

execve failed for /etc/X11/X  (errno 2)
_X11TransSocketUNICConnect: Can't connect: Errno = 111
giving up
xinit: connection refused ( ernno 111): unable to connect to  X 
xinit: no such process ( errno 3) server error 

rebuilt xf86config
same msg

restartd gmp
same msg

> You might have the mouse configured incorrectly in
> /etc/X11/XF86Config.  It should read something like this at the
> minimum:
>  Section "Pointer"
>   Protocol "Microsoft"
>   Device "/dev/mouse"
>  EndSection

have that, even tried /dev/ttyS0

> Ensure that /dev/mouse is pointing to the correct place by checking
> the links in the device directory:
>  cd /dev
>  rm -f mouse
>  ln -s ttyS0 mouse

did this
> Try X again.  Any luck?

haha, your such the comedian ;-) or is that me ?

> Drop a note back to the list with an update of what happened with
> these tests, one of them SHOULD fix it, but if not, it'll narrow
> down the problem.

this is starting to get fun here ;-). good thing i'm stubborn and 
refuse to give up or is that becuz i've had enough of winbloat <g>.

i think when i/we  get this solved i'm going to write a faq.



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