"James J. Capone" wrote:
> I am going to put my Linux-Mandrake on a different drive and need to know
> how I can get Lilo out of the MBR and also Un-Install the entire OS off the
> Drive I am going to use for Windows. I asked a little while ago about
> setting up Lilo on a Dual Drive system. I now have the Drive I am going to
> use a 2.1gig drive for Linux and a 6.46 gig drive for Windows.
> Thanks
According to my RedHat 5.2 manual, it says lilo can be
removed by running /sbin/lilo -u
This will replace it with an earlier saved version of your
MBR. If you are running DOS, NT,
Win95/98 you can use fdisk /mbr  This will rewrite the MBR
to ONLY boot from the primary DOS

To remove Linux entirely from your drive, you can use your
installation floppy. Start the installation and select
install (not upgrade). When it gets to the point about disk
partioning, use fdisk instead of Disk Druid. In fdisk, type
"p" (without quotes) (for example,
fdisk p) which will display your partition numbers. Remove
the partitions with the "d" command. (fdisk d) The you need
to write to the partition table using the "w" command.
Reboot and you're done!

Hope I helped!

Lloyd Osten

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