Martin Cleaver wrote:
> I fear I did something silly and have now lost my parallel port. I can't
> print, and when I look (in file manager) at /dev/lp1 it says "Could not
> read file: /dev/lp1. File does not exist or access denied. That's my
> printer! :-)

Open a terminal window and type:

        ls -l /dev/lp1

if it shows up, everything is fine.  From looking at the permissions on
/dev/lp1 here, there's little doubt that the file manager wouldn't let
you open it -- a normal user has no permission for it (which IS correct,
why give normal users direct access to hardware?).
> How can I revive an ailing /dev/lp1?

Did you upgrade to a new 2.2.x kernel?

Is lpd running?

Does /etc/printcap exist and is it configured for the correct port?

We'll all need a bit more info before we can help...
Steve Philp

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