How in the heck do you mount smbfs drives?  I've read the Samba HOWTO...
it has NOTHING, and the example in the samba docs doesn't work. Another
problem (or so it seems) is that if i don't put all the machines in the
/etc/lmhosts file, it takes forever to find a machine.  I've tried 3
programs (frontends) as well... 2 failed to compile (a problem i'll post
later... once i study it more closely) and the other one didn't find any
workgroups.  I can view smbfs drives with smbclient... but i want to be
able to mount them, the cheezy interface in smbclient is not something i
want to have to use every day.

Computer information:
Linux-Mandrake 5.3
Kernel- 2.0.36
NIC: 3com 509B (using ver 1.6 drivers)
Pentium 120
40MB Ram

Thanks in advance =)

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