At 04:11 AM 4/21/99 -0700, you wrote:
>I'm not convinced that it is a joke... 

It is definitely not a joke, but it *IS* an alternate mind set. (Not an
altered mind set, an alternate one.)

Basically the argument boils down to, "Microsoft deserves whatever success
they work to create. (And they're very good at it.) If you choose to take
them on, feel free. Best of luck, and such. If you - the Linux community -
become wildly successful as the result of your own work, then you, too,
deserve the success you work to create."

Or to paraphrase Walt Whitman, "Breaking up your neighbor's furniture won't
make your furniture look any better."

Or in street vernacular, "You want to beat Bill Gates? Then quit worrying
about Bill Gates, build a better product, and start worrying about your

Michael R. Batchelor
Industrial Informatics & Instrumentation, Inc.

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