Russ wrote:
> Thanks to the 2 that responded to my earlier post on this subject. I followed
> the instructions and it worked. I even figured out why I ended up with 640 x
> 480 resolution on an earlier try. I didn't "select" (with space bar) the
> resolution I wanted. I just hit enter and then tabed to "OK". Anyway, now to my
> new question:
> I got it to run in 800 x 600 resolution (100%better) but now the bar does not
> fit on the screen.  When my mouse bumps an edge the whole screen will move that
> way to show the rest of whatever is there. Is this normal? Can I turn it off?
> Thanks
> Russ

Hi, Russ,

You need to specify the virtual screen in your /etc/X11/XF86Config.  In
the same depth subsection as you're running X, include the virtual
screen size as your default resolution.  Here's a snippet from my

    Subsection "Display"
        Depth       32
        Modes       "1024x768"
        ViewPort    0 0
        Virtual     1024 768

I'm running X at 32 bpp at 1024x768.  So I have the virtual screen set
to 1024 768.  Hope this helps.  Good luck,


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