At 08:12 23/04/99 +0200, you wrote:
>Do anybody now how to get my kppp up?
>I've managed to connect my pc to the remote server, and everything looks
>ok, BUT when I write an ordenary url, it doesn't check the server at
>all(I can not see any blinking at SD (send data) at my modem), I just
>get the message :"Do not have a DNS entry!".
>I know there are something to disable inn one of the checkboxes at setup
>who should do somthing about it, but I tried both. And I still get the
>same message.
>Greetings ffom Jarl Gaute

You need to let your machine know who is your DNS server.
Edit the account setup - the third tab is for DNS, so put your
ISP's server ip addresses in there.



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