Adam Wright wrote:
> I would like to upgrade my kernel for Linux Mandrake 5.3. I have D/Led
> the newest kernel source files in RPM format. I think there were three
> of them. One is the kernel, one is the header files and the last is the
> source. Now I am at the point that I am not quite sure what to do. If I
> just use the RPM installer in KDE does that take care of the upgrade, or
> is there a different way to go about doing this. I am not very
> proficient with Linux (yet) and I would appreciate any and all help.
>                                                             Adam Wright

G'day Adam,

Where did you get the files?

What you need to do also is get all the files in the in the
kernel2.2/update dir from that site, I also suggest that you look at the
readme file and the instructions on kernel upgrade at the following

Hope this helps ;-))
Michael Doyle
Adelaide, South Australia
ICQ #2635762

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