Mike [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] said:

>I have an S3 Trio3D (86C365 chipset) video card (seems like the only S3
>that isn't supported by X, just my luck). I have tried different drivers
>it and can't get it to work. I am wondering if anyone out there has the
>card and/or knows of any way to make it work with X. I know that there are
>commercial Xservers that support it but I can't really afford to buy one
>right now.

This is from

Q.F18- Is a server for the S3 Trio3D or the S3 Savage3D available?
Boards based on those two S3 chips are not supported in XFree86. XFree86 has
only recently (November 98) received the documentation for these chips, so
development is underway. We will include support for both chipsets in our
next XFree86 release. 

Q.A9- When is the next release?
The 4.0 release, with significant changes, is being worked on. It is not
known at this point when it will be released

Until then, you can use the generic VGA server...



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