I have good luck with US Robotics sporter. I use it for both Linux and
win95, each of which has its own hard drive on my computer. To use it
in Linux, I disable the plug and play in the BIOS.
Steve W
> At 05:57 PM 4/29/99 -0400, you wrote:
> >I plan on installing linux here in a few days, and
> with installing I plan on
> >buying a new modem.  I was wondering which is the
> fastest/best?  Anybody
> >have any good experiences with some modems?  I am
> currently using Earthlink
> >as my ISP.  Thanks...
> >
> >-soco
> >
<font size=3><a href="http://www.kc.net/~gromitkc/winmodem.html"
This is a site that lists modems that will work with Linux.&nbsp; Some
will not, you know, as they are winmodems.<br>
At 05:57 PM 4/29/99 -0400, you wrote:<br>
&gt;I plan on installing linux here in a few days, and with installing
plan on<br>
&gt;buying a new modem.&nbsp; I was wondering which is the
fastest/best?&nbsp; Anybody<br>
&gt;have any good experiences with some modems?&nbsp; I am currently
using Earthlink<br>
&gt;as my ISP.&nbsp; Thanks...<br>

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