Steve Winston wrote:
> Hy, I'm a linux mandrake user, but my question involves something else.
> I can't upload my graphics to my webpage. Why?
> I put the graphics in the same file as the html file that I upload.
> Links always work, and so do all kinds of colors.
> The problem isn't related to my system. I have tried in Linux, using
> ncftp to upload. The command is "put -z <myfile> <websitefile>"
> I have tried in Win95 using CuteFTP.
> My web pages look fine until I try to upload them. Then, they become
> graphics-less. I try using complete file paths as in
> IMG SRC="/home/html/<graphic.gif>"
> no luck.
> What to do?

If the graphics files reside in the SAME directory as the HTML files,
the IMG SRC line should not have a path on it, just the filename. 
Something like:

 <IMG SRC=graphic.gif>

should work fine.  I take it that the uploading process DOES transfer
the graphics files to the remote machine??

Steve Philp

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