At 07:50 06/05/99 +0000, you wrote:
>Linux detects my hardware allright.  Zip is hdc and gives info about it
>when it starts up (partition table, cylinders, etc).  Funny thing,
>underneath that info it repeats hdc as unknown partition table even
>though it recognized hdc perfectly in the previous line.
>And of course i did the mounting properly before i sent the previous
>The zip is a linux partition done with fdisk.  However, it still says it
>can't read superblock.
>Moreover, I have a zip disk with StarOffice in it and it has no problems
>mounting it.
>I just wonder if i have to add something to fstab or mstab.
>Hasta luego...

Did you make a filesystem on the zip disk?? -- "mkfs /dev/hdc1"


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