Gilbert Espinosa wrote:

> "James J. Capone" wrote:
> > I know this question was asked a while back. How can you change it so the
> > Little Penguin doesn't show up on the boot during login. I want to use a
> > different pic. or not one at all. Also I tried to edit the lilo.conf file
> > so that If I hit tab when the Computer starts it will list the OS's on my
> > Box. I Run Mandrake 5.3 and Win98 <---For The Wife. I want to change it
> > because I have the MBR in the Linux Partition. So when It times out it
> > boots to Linux. I want to change it so she can enter her name and it will
> > load Windows. It sounds stupid, but little things like that make her happy.
> > I tried to change it but it wouldn't allow me, It kept reverting it back to
> > DOS. Please let me know. Thanks
> >
> > James J. Capone
> > Webmaster
> > Asst. Webmaster
> >
> > "The Only Person To Hear Both Sides Of A Argument Is The Guy In The
> > Apartment Next To Yours!"
> About the Penguin. Its a command called linux_logo that shows that graphic. I
> haven't really searched which file to change it but you can start by checking
> your initab and see what programs are run during startup. Maybe mgetty
> settings have something to do with it also. Let us know what you find out ok.

You can change the /etc/issue file to change the graphic. Sorry forgot to put
that one earlier.

> Gilbert

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