Armando, Try the mail reader in Netscape messenger, It is top notch and better
than M$ Outlook.

Ghost Master wrote:

> Hey, all!
> Just wondering if there was a way to have the messages automatically sorted by
> date sent in Kmail.
> I've had to click on the Date header everytime I've gotten new mail in order to
> view it this way.  Turning into a Major Drag (C) since I only recently cut over
> from MS Outlook.  The sort works only on a limited basis; I still can't get
> KMail to sort my mail properly.....dates are grouped together, but at the same
> time are still out of sequence........I'm looking for the newest mail to be at
> the begining of the mail window......ala M$ Outlook, Eudora, etc....
> Related question:  Can anyone recommend a better mail reader?  I like KMail,
> but I'm used to more functionality from my M$oft days.....
> Armando.

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