> "Philip W. Huff" wrote:
> I recently installed Linux Mandrake for the very first time.  Needless
> to say, I am a little baffled as to how to change my desktop manager
> from KDE to Window Maker.  I purchased both the Redhat 5.2 and
> Mandrake CD's along with a Contributed RPM's CD.  Number one, are all
> the files I need for Windowmaker on any of these CD's?  If so, can

They should be.  I don't recall whether Mandrake ships with WindowMaker
(and I don't have my CD handy).  Just find the .i386.rpm package for
WindowMaker and type:
        rpm -Uvh <package-name>

After it's installed, login as your normal user and edit ~/.xinitrc to
read this:

        exec wmaker

Then exit the editor and type:

        chmod +x ~/.xinitrc

'startx' should now bring you up with the WindowMaker window manager.

> anyone explain what I must do to install them?  A download is not
> preferred since I have not yet established the internet connection.  I
> installed Linux in the first place to see how much customization could
> be done to the desktop and I am not happy with the KDE environment.
> Any suggestions as to what desktop manager can give me the most
> customization would be greatly appreciated.  I was also wondering if
> the ability to elimate the control bar, along with the taskbar, is
> possible.  My main ambition is to just right click on the desktop to
> access any menu that I may need.

Not sure about eliminating those items in KDE, since I've never tried. 
If you want configurability, you might give the GNOME project a try. 
Maybe pick up one of the RH6.0 CD's from CheapBytes (they're probably
about $1.99), since none of the CD's you listed above contains a recent
version of GNOME.

But, if you go with WindowMaker, you'll lost the taskbar/panel/etc

> Sincerely,
> Philip Huff
> Philip Huff
> Technical Support
> Thomas Bros. Maps
> (800)899-6277

Steve Philp

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