Kpackage is a program that will install and uninstall programs that come
in RPM form.  A program packaged in RPM form will always have a ".rpm" on
the end.  If you're interested, RPM stands for "Red hat Package Manager."
It was developed to make installing programs easier on people.  Kpackage
requires a GUI (XWindows), but it is pretty easy to use.  When you install
(or uninstall) an RPM, Kpackage will check for dependancies (other RPMs that
this one needs, or others that need this one).  If there's a problem - you
can't install this RPM before you install this other one, or you can't
remove this RPM because this other one needs it, Kpackage will let you know
what's going on.
    After installation of Mandrake 5.3, Kpackage should appear on the
desktop- however, it's labeled "RPM" instead of "Kpackage."  Clicking on
this icon will start Kpackage, but you will not be able to install or
uninstall packages unless you are root.
    Apart from clicking the icon, Kpackage will run from any command prompt
(but you must be in XWindows).  You need only to type "kpackage" (without
the quotes) and press <ENTER>.   If you want to know where it's located, try
"whereis kpackage" (the "whereis" command will search through common program
locations for kpackage).

    Don't worry about not understanding everything you read.  I barely
understood that post myself.  You just need time to learn.  Talk to the
computer gurus you know.  Look up a local Linux User's Group.  Just be sure
to keep making an effort to learn.  Good luck with Linux!
    -Matt Stegman

----- Original Message -----
From: Pliler Main Unit <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, May 25, 1999 5:06 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] More lilo problems...

> Dan,
> Boy, after reading all that, I don't think there is much hope for a
> newb, dummie, like myself. I would never have figured all that out.
> BTW, where is the Kpackage located, and what is its purpose?
> Thanks,
> Will

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