---Reply to mail from James J. Capone about [newbie] KDE Shutsdown
> When I go in the the kvIRC program, I do all the setups, THen when I hit 
> the Misc. tab it cause KDE to shutdown and take me to the command prompt. I 
> tried re-installing the program with the same effects. I get no warnings or 
> errors in my logs, I even did a tail on the logs and saww no reference to 
> it. Someone if you know what could cause this let me know.
> I also use kppp and made sure that the shutdown xserver on disconnect was 
> not checked.
> Thanks,
> James

James, you just need to download the newest (0.9.0) version from www.kvirc.org. I
had the same problem with the version that came with Mandrake 5.3. The new
version fixed the problem. There is a RPM version of the new version.  BTW, there is a 
good script
for kvirc called Disillusion. You can get it at www.fellaz.com/default-linux.html.

---End reply

Jonathan Dlouhy
Principal Oboe,
Atlanta Symphony Orchestra

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