On 25 May, ZeroRage wrote:
> I was working with my modem, finally got it to the point that it would
> dial.  I dial my ISP, seems to handshake, but before it finishes it just
> dies.  Does this sound like a modem setup problem, or - and I emailed my
> isp support already - and ISP side option I must configure for?.
> After going through the 25+ kppp emails I have, I will check /var/log,
> but I wanted to get this out before I go back to heaven.
> Thanks,
> Tim Wojtaszek
If you are using 5.3 out of the box there is a problem with some isp
connections. I had this and worked around it by using a script to
log on. I know it is fixed with a later release of kppp but the script
works so well I figured if it ain't broke, don't fix it.
Robert Sheskin
ICQ: 5788323
AIM: RobertLS

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