Hey everybody.  I have been using 5.3 for awhile now and have had no serious
problems.  Now that the time to upgrade versions has come around, I decided
I might as well jump on the bandwagon.  But first I have a few questions so
I don't fubar later on in the process of this install.

Mainly what I am wondering is if there is a way I can simply upgrade to the
new version without having to do a brand spanking new install.  If there is
a way, how?  I have checked around in the DOCs on the CD but have had no
luck on finding info on how to do this.

Secondly, if you can't upgrade, how would I go about formating my HD with
linux while still leaving my LILO configuration intact.  Thx for the help
everybody, I really appreciate the helpful and gracious responses people
always seem to share when others ask questions on this list.  Thx again,

Bob Bonifield
URL:  http://lan.quakecity.net/

Bob Bonifield
URL:  http://lan.quakecity.net/

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