On Wed, 09 Jun 1999, Alex Brown wrote:
> ...To who ever it was that posted the thing about Xwin pro....
> ddon't know if I've misunderstood you, but this and other sinilar software
> is to connect a windows pc to a REMOTE unix system....
> as far as I know you can't connect your windows system to your own linux
> system if it's all on the same disk.....you can't have 2 OS's running at
> the same time on the same disk ...I don't think. (someone 'll prolly prove
> me wrong!)

Actually, there's a commercial program called VMware at http://www.vmware.com/
that supposedly allows you to run two operating systems at the same time.  I
don't know if it's stable and fast enough to be worth using, but it sure
surprised the hell out of me when I saw a Win95 window within KDE running MS
Internet Explorer, in a screenshot on Mandrake's screenshot page. :) 
(http://www.linux-mandrake.com/screenshots/vmware.jpg for anyone who wants to
take a look.)


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