>At 12:39 18/06/99 +0200, you wrote:
>>With DiskDruid I cancelled partition 'D' and created Linux partitions
>>but I got the error message that /root must be on a linux native partition!
>>Well /root IS on a linux native partition, but it doesn't help.
>>'fdisk' lists my partitions as:
>>/tmp/hda1  Win95 FAT32
>>/tmp/hda2  Extended
>>/tmp/hda5  Linux (native)
>>/tmp/hda6  Linux (native)
>>/tmp/hda7  Linux (native)
>>/tmp/hda8  Linux swap
>I would have done:
>/dev/hda1 Win95
>/dev/hda2 Linux native (root)
>/dev/hda3 Extended
>/dev/hda5 Linux native
>/dev/hda6 Linux native
>/dev/hda7 Linux native
>/dev/hda8 Linux swap

Done. But I still have the same problem. I think the problem is that my
partitions appear
to be on "/tmp" instead of on "/dev". Do you know how can I change this?



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