On Fri, 18 Jun 1999, Lloyd wrote:

> OK, I did yet ANOTHER fresh workstation install. (this makes
> about a dozen installs) Eveything goes along fine until I
> get to the part about X configuration. I set up my X
> configuration EXACTLY the way I had it set up under Festen
> (which, btw, ran just fine).

Which graphics card are you using? It's possible the current XFree86
version breaks support for some card; it works for all the cards I've

> The setup program then tells me
> my X configuration is not valid (why? it worked fine before
> on exactly the same hardware).

Do you get any details?

> That goes along fine,  but then a message comes up
> sayoing something like
> cannot start "/sbin/mingetty-respawning too fast-disabling
> for 5 minutes"

This is almost certainly a problem with your installation. If you've done
a CD install, try installing from a different CD, yours seems to be
If you did a network install, try using a different mirror.

> saying "/bin/mkdir: /bin/mkdir-cannot execute binary file"

Same cause.


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