my s3 does 1024x768 at 256 colors with 2 megs, but if you want more
colors it will only go up to 800x600.

On Fri, 18 Jun 1999, you wrote: > >%_edit
the file /etc/X11/XF86Config go al the way down to the last section called
Screen section then find the server you using and add a line after "ViewPort   
0 0" and above " EndSubSection" that says "Virtual 800 600" you cna try it with
1024 768 is you want but i tihnk your card must have 4mb of ram to do it >  
----- Original Message -----  >   From: Lei Tie  >   To:
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  >   Sent: Saturday, June 19, 1999 12:31 AM >  
Subject: Re: [newbie] Need help on 640x480 desktop. >  > 
>   how do I setup a virtual resolution?
>   i forgot :)
>     ----- Original Message ----- 
>     From: William Schweder 
>     Sent: Saturday, June 19, 1999 1:17 PM
>     Subject: Re: [newbie] Need help on 640x480 desktop.
>     you cna try and setup a virtual resolution liek 800x600
>       ----- Original Message ----- 
>       From: Lei Tie 
>       To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
>       Sent: Friday, June 18, 1999 11:07 PM
>       Subject: [newbie] Need help on 640x480 desktop.
>       Recently i have installed LM 6.0 on my other PC.  Because of that 14' monitor, 
>i am only able to display at 640x480.  Everything looks fine except the size of the 
>program window, which is way too bigger than the size of the screen.  So i am missing 
>part of the window and i am unable to click any buttons like OK or Cancel on the 
>bottom of the window.  Any idea how to fix it or at least a way to get around this?  

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