Mhmmm... Nope, I havent tried that, mainly because I have a _very_ old monitor
that can hardly make 640x480... I'll get myself another one when I save enough
bucks, though...

----------  Forwarded Message  ----------
Subject: KDE and 640x480
Date: Sun, 20 Jun 1999 20:55:44 -0400
From: "Doug McGarrett" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I can't post to the list, for some reason, but I thought I would pass on the
following:  I had a Seiko monitor a few years ago, only 14" but very
sharp, with a Trinitron.  It would not do 800x600, but it _would_ do
1024x768.  Have you tried that?  Good luck.  --doug

  Jose Alberto Abreu
  Executive Editor
  Plan B Mystical Enterprises
"Do or do not... 
 fuckup you can if you try..."
-attributed to Jedi Master Yoda

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