I hope somebody can correct me if I am wrong...
I think u need to extract it as root.  It looks like the tar file is
also trying to restore the permissions and ownership of the original

But the error message is kinda wierd...anyone with better
comments...(I'm sorry for going round the bush and not being of much
On 22 Jun, <-=Memphis=-> wrote:
> When I tried to tar a tar or gz file, it extracted some of the files,
> but also gave me some errors.
> The errors are all the same.
> Here is an example from my Acrobat Reader 4.0 Extraction
> It happens in other program extractions too.
> "tar: Ilinxr.install/install: Cannot chown to uid 1436 gid 100:
> Operation not permitted"
> what kinda of error is this?
> Is this supposed to happen?
> Thank you.

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