On Thu, 24 Jun 1999, Suryo Mataram wrote:

> Hi all,
>     I'm new with LINUX. Can anyone tell me what Core Dump is all about?
> Many thank's in advance.
> Suryo Mataram.

When something crashes or exits abnormally it may "core dump"...
I'm no expert but I think this is the programms way of trying to preserve
debugging or unsaved info????? ..in anycase, you'll be left with a file
called 'core'....which I guess is useless unless you're some kina expert.
so I'd remove it. TIP it may be a good idea to serch for files called
'core' now and again and remove them as they can take up a lot of space.

you can also add options to some programms to prevent core dumps...I'm not
sure if this has to be done in the compile stage though.


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